Make a Complaint
Not happy about our service? Then neither are we. It’s always our aim to get things right first time, but sometimes things can go wrong. Please get in touch, so we can try and put things right for you as quickly as possible.
While we make every effort to maintain and deliver the highest standards, there may be some occasions when we fail to satisfy particular requirements of our customers. If you have experienced a problem with any part of our service, we will aim to resolve this as quickly and fairly as possible.
Please contact us:
E-mail us
Please submit your complaint,, using our PDF:
Download Complaint Form
Write to us
Compliance Department
56-58 Pindou St., 152 33 Halandri, Athens GR
How we’ll deal with your complaint
You will receive a notice letting you know we’ve received your complaint and disclosing the Complaint Handler’s contact details, within two (2) working days of your complaint submission.
We will write to you within thirty (30) days of the submission date, resolving your complaint.
However, if a further investigation is required, we will inform you with our final answer within an estimated period. Otherwise, if for any reason we haven’t resolved within the given period, we will inform when you can expect a response from us with all relative information of the ongoing investigation.
If you’re not satisfied with how we handled your complaint or with the outcome, you can take it to Court addressing the case to the Authorities, considering all legal deadlines:
Hellenic Ministry of Development-General Office of Consumer
Kanigos Square, PC: 101 81, Athens GR
T: 1520
F: +30 210 3843 549
European Consumer Centre (Greece)
144 Alexandras Ave., PC: 114 71, Athens GR
Τ: +30 210 6460 862, +30 210 6460 814, +30 210 6460 612, +30 210 6460 734
F: +30 210 6460 784
Bank of Greece
21, E. Venizelos Ave., PC: 102 50, Athens GR
Supervision of Private Insurance
T: +30 210 3205 222
F: +30 210 3205 437
Officer of the Arbiter for Financial Services
1st Floor
St. Calcedonius Square
Floriana FRN 1530
T: (+356) 21249245
Submission (Download & Complete Complaint Form)